Storytime_tapestry is a newsletter that caters to the writer as well as the reader. It is my opinion that a happy writer will in turn generate many happy readers. I appreciate every writer that submits his/her work to me. I will promote each and every writer in every way possible and help the new inspiring writers to make the transition into their new chosen fields as much as I possibly can. With storytime_tapestry the writers can publish a bio which can be as long or as short as they wish. The bios can include, personal, and professional information as well as links to sites and advertising for their books and other personal or professional endeavours."
The guidelines for submitting articles are as follows:
All articles must be original works written by the author. Stories written by unknown writers are not permitted. Though I reserve the right to publish a poem (not a story) by an unknown writer if there is a shortage of poems in the queue.
Writers may submit short stories and poems both fictional and non-fictional as long as they are original works.
It is permissable to write a personal story commenting upon another writer's work, some current event, or an issue that perplexes, enrages, or inspires the writer for storytime_tapestry as long as personal content is included in the piece.
Writers are not restricted to a certain format or theme. They are encouraged to write straight from the heart on any subject matter that is important to them.
There are no length restrictions.
Since my newsletter is a tapestry of love spreading across the world, it is the mandate of this newsletter to promote cultural diversity and understanding. Though we are one in the eyes of God, we are also so very different in our understanding of how this great world works. No particular view point will ever be favoured over another.
However, viewpoints intended to incite hatred, or offend a certain, race, religion, creed, political view etc, will not be permitted. This newsletter does lend towards a Christian bias for the simple reason that 90% of the writers on this site are Christian writers. This newsletter does encourage the writings from other religious groups in order to promote cultural understanding.
It is for this very reason - understanding differences, that you will see from time to time, comments from readers who object to a certain piece published in this newsletter. Since the mandate of my newsletter is to promote cultural understanding their voices will be heard. The readership is therefore encouraged to view these comments with an open mind and an open heart. No one will be expected to change their own view but will be encouraged to understand the views of others as an attempt to create a worldwide tapestry of love. It is my firm believe that by dialogue we can make this happen!
Lastly the subject matter of some of the stories may be offensive to some readers since writers are writing about personal experience; an example that comes to mind would be child abuse. If such a story is published a warning will also be published to let the reader know that the subject content may not be suitable for every reader. It will then be the reader's responsibility to decide if this piece is suitable to read or not.
The same will hold true for language content, although the continued use of foul language is prohibited, if the use of a few foul words is important to the story at hand, it will permitted, but again a warning will be issued that this article may contain language content that may not be suitable for every reader. It will then again be the reader's responsibility to decide whether or not this article is worthy enough to be read.
Graphic sexual content (that which can be considered pornography) will never be permitted even if the writer is writing from personal experience. The writer will be asked to edit the piece before submitting. Reference to sexual content is acceptable but graphic details are not. Again if the article contains reference to sexual content e.g. a story about a rape, minus the details, that may offend some readers, a warning will be issued in advance and it will be the reader's responsibility to decide if this piece merits reading or not.
What makes this newsletter different is the fact that writers can speak that which is in their hearts with the only restriction being the truly offensive. But the differences do not stop there. The interactive forum included after every poem is designed to encourage readership participation. Unlike other newsletters, the reader is encouraged to comment on stories read, advertise any special event or experience important to them in the community bulletin, celebrate a birthday or anniversary with us, request a prayer, or pray for another storytime_tapestry member. International cuisine is welcomed for the recipe section. This is your chance as a reader to have a say in what happens in your newsletter! When you have a comment for the newsletter simply write to me at: and place comment for newsletter in the subject line of the email, however if the comment is personal it is imperative that you write personal, just to make sure the comment does not reach the newsletter.
Finally in closing I want to remind everyone that you can revisit your favourite stories at the message center. All stories are sent out as messages with the yahoo program and are kept in the message archives. You can view these stories at:
Just login to your Yahoo Id or create a new account for Storytime Tapestry. Thanks!
Carol Roach
Just JOIN to know more about it. Thanks!
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