The lungs are the central place where the oxygen is converted into carbon dioxide; it is like leaves conducting the process of photosynthesis. Like on the tree there are millions of leaves so there are millions of porous in the lungs, which look like the leaves on the branches of the tree. The effects of the left and the right nostril are also very prominent while its effects cause many other useful signals for the individual. The operating of the rights an indication that one’s brain is ready to process the one analytical activities, like doing Math and Science, once the left is on it indicates that one need to leave the analytical work and do some creative thing like enjoy taking liquids. It also constitutes the reason for gap study methods.
If one keeps on studying ignoring the effects of the left and right nostrils, the brain fag results along with digestive disorders. It weakens the individual’s memory. The other aspect is that when the left nostril is working; the creative works can be done. Usually after doing creative works one feels hunger not thirsty, the reason seems that the right nostril starts to work after sometime. So in most of the cases the artists create the food or eating syndrome, just because they usually forget the eating and drinking process as the body indicates by the working of the nostrils. Moreover it appears to be the cause, that people who are prone to self indulgence feel either very thirst or hungry and in extreme cases hunger and thirst is dead. It is not that they have gone insane; it is simply the bad eating and drinking habits.
Once this goes to what is popularly known the solar plexus in the east, it is said to be strained up, causing severe symptoms of lack of hunger and thirst along with illusions and hallucinations, like a temporary attack of psychosis. Its repetitions cause it to be permanent state of mind, such that once one goes through it, the symptoms recur. To stop this recurring the proper signals of the left and right nostril are to be followed regularly.
This energy related with these two nostrils when resonates with bio-energy with or outside, we are in commune with Mother Nature. This is what happens when one does the Pranayama.
One nostril of the nose is closed and inhaling is done from the other, then it is closed and breath is controlled for few moments. It is then exhaled (released) from the one that was closed. The next step is to inhale from the same nostril, which was closed first, while the second one is now closed. What it does is a wonder.
When the breath was inhaled from the right nostril, it carries the positive charge that recharges the right side of the body, particularly the lungs. To stop it for few moments is to let it work properly. This recharging with the negative charge is done when one inhales from the left nostril. This process of Pranayama is of utmost importance. Like magnetizing of water is a magnet-therapy. Similarly, this process is much more than that; it is Electro-magnetizing body and brain with doing it through and on the breath.
This electromagnetically charged breath is one’s one of the strongest defense exercises cum medicines; against the pollution and diseases caused by it, that we are globally taking now a days. Again there is a great deal about the relevant nostril, like the left one is the Moon Nerve (Lunar) or the Chandar Nadi; the negative energy booster. The nerve of creativity, the aesthetic nerve, and a natural gift for what we may think. The right one is the Sun (or solar) or Surya Nadi, the positive energy the booster of analysis (analytical faculties). And when both of the nostrils are working then its reaction is believed to be on the on the center of the body and thus spreading to the both sides the body, particularly the lungs.
The central nerve (Sukhmna Nadi or Neutral) nerve- the self-communication the time to pray, seeking divine help, the faith enrichment moments etc. There is no end as there is no start either.
We need to consider it that when breath the inhaling and exhaling creates friction not just with the nostrils, but the entire path it pass through, the passage or track of breathing; the respiratory system. The hair in nose are sensitive to this friction as is the smelling abilities of nose react to it. No matter what kind of smell the breathe brings all has its effect on the olfactory system, and the sound of it has direct link with the auditory system below the Pineal Glad, the rest of effects has also many wonder, the reason for focusing on breathing and thus the Pranayama.
The online treasure of research helps a lot well elaborated in the above point:
"Let us see now how breathing recharges our bio-electric battery.
According to yoga theory, our Right nostril is termed Surya (Sun)
Nadi and is considered + ve. When we breath through right nostril,
our body warms up. Left nostril is considered Chandra (Moon) Nadi
and – ve. When our breathing is through left nostril, the heat in
body reduces. The difference between these extreme electric potential
is just 0.09 Volts according to a British Medical Journal article.
When we breath through right nostril, air going in recharges
positively charged cells (white matter) of brain. The blood which
enters the ventricle stores heat there. When positive charge reaches
saturation level, the flow changes to negative charge, automatically
breathing switches to left nostril. Now the blood which enters brain,
recharges gray matter as it is negatively charged. The CSF flowing
through spinal cord is electrically charged and alternately changes
to positive and negative charge. That is the reason, our breathing
keeps alternating between predominant left nostril breathing and
predominantly right nostril breathing. In what follows, reader is
assumed to be familiar with Chakra system of energy body. Reader can
refresh this on site if necessary. The electrically
charged CSF is considered to store electric energy in Prostate
glands. This dormant energy is termed Kundalini or Serpent power. By
yogic kriyas, one can release this power and send it in various
charkas and corresponding glands. Thus when this energy enters
Muladhar chakra, it increases sex power. Yoga books mention that the
semen is difficult to store in body, and its maturing (in teenagers)
gives rise to white moons at base of nails in fingers of hand.
Similar moons can be observed at higher age, if breathing techniques
are carried out with this aim. The advantage for boosting fertility
is obvious. When this energy rises further to swadhistan chakra,
digestion improves. Further, in Manipur Chakra, adrenal glands
function better, increasing stamina, strength and agility. In the
end, when this energy enters Sahastrar Chakra, corresponding to
pineal gland, yogi sees a constant light in the center of forehead.
All 20,000 chips of brain get excited now, and this is termed
awakening of Kundalini power, one is able to see past, present and
future. All great poets, scientists, philosophers, oratories have
awakened the kundalini with dominance of pituitary gland, while those
whose kundalini awakens with dominance of pineal gland, become
saints, they can realize the knowledge of self, have foresight, good
character and benign outlook for every one.
Brain cells can be charged by specific breathing exercises. It can
now be understood why we breath through alternate nostrils during
anuloma-viloma pranayama. On the other hand, heavy forceful breathing
with both nostrils simultaneously will cause equal charging of CSF,
the flow is then considered neutral, awakening Sushumna nadi. This
sushumna nadi is useful to upgrade the stored energy and send it
upwards to higher charkas. On its own, Sushumna nadi is active early
morning (time termed Brahma muhurtam). By combining meditation and
breathing, one can cure or reduce intensity of CNS diseases (e.g.
Tinnitus) or even make tumors dormant. Even diabetics can regain
their erectile function."
Thus, the effect of these three phases of the nostril is also the base of the center of the biorhythmic-clock present in our body. Just above the center of the eyebrows. As said earlier ignoring the effect of these also creates disturbance in the biorhythm. The biorhythmic clock is also known as the psychic center. The person, who ignores it, is prone to be psychotic. Usually we may forget that what one eats so one thinks. This is the nutshell for one to understand that eating is not just a process; it is much more than this. It includes many other things; like proper time, Nadi or nerve, place, right way of eating, and other conditions that apply to a particular food and thus eaten food causes proper effect on one’s psychic center and the other organs and related functioning of the body, mind and heart. With medicines, one can cause a temporary relief from the effects only, not from the cause.
The cause is balanced from the psychic center by the proper food therapy, meditation, relaxation and recreation while going through the auto-suggestive method of self - counselling.
In Gurbani, the collection of spiritual teachings as we also know it the Wisdom Tree, there are very clear instructions how one needs to eat and go through the process of extracting the right results from the food. The dissipation of energy, produced by the food, is the maximum through speech. If we keep harmony with these systems we may also know what to speak, that is topic on which the brain is ready to speak. For example if one wants to speak about some topic of arts and the right nostril is working. It would not be suitable to give speech, the body may be indicating the need for something to eat or if not the speech needs to be that of a critic rather than going deep into the aesthetic details.
Please its Part 1 here.
Thanks for your reading it.
Dear sfauthor, thanks for your comment.
The Chakra's are nothing, but the glandular system of our body. When we say awakening it, we aim to have better control over these, while regulating and thus controlling the functioning for the best.
The controlling of breathing is Pranayama, and similarly the Chakra's are the bio-rhythmic in nature and need focus, the concentration that results in relaxation in the particular gland and it awakens to work properly, which we know as proper functioning of it as I said.
So, one can learn from any book, but simply following the steps do not give results. We need to understand that meditation has its levels of concentration that slowly help all glands to work properly, and as all goes from the lower gland to the upper ones, until it reaches the pineal gland, we know it ascending of energies and controlling it as if breath, the Pranayama.
Thus, all of it helps to achieve better control over our body and mind. Thanks again for your comment.
Please read more about this topic in an article at Xomba. Thanks!
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