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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

When Was the Last Time You Spent A Day at the Library?

You no longer feel inspired to pick up your camera and spend a day shooting inspired pictures. When was the last time you spent a day in the photography stacks at your public library? Most of the books on photography found there are pretty dated, at least they are at the brick and mortar public libraries that I visit, but the photo anthologies are excellent sources of inspirations. Great photographs are ageless, and I never come away from a day flipping through those tombs without a plethora of ideas for my own photography.

The Archives: Life Magazine

Some of the best sources of inspiration... From: <a href='http://factoidz.com/when-was-the-last-time-you-spent-a-day-at-the-library/' title='Studying the work of other photographers inspire us to shoot even more inspired pictures. Spend a day pouring over old issues of Life Magazine and you will be inspired beyond your wildest dreams.'>When Was the Last Time You Spent A Day at the Library?</a>

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