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Read this Blog in Any Language - Refresh for English

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Language in India: Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Dr. Annie Besant, in her address, said:

There is much work to do in helping the people to prepare
themselves for the new powers, which will be placed in their hands.
And for this, the work must be done in the vernaculars of each
Province, as only by their mother tongue can the heart and brain of
the masses be reached. Sooner or later, preferably sooner, Provinces
will have to be re-delimited on a linguistic basis. The official
languages, for a time, will have to be two, the vernacular and
English, as in some parts of Canada, French and English are used. Only
then will the masses be able to take their full share in life (Dr.
Annie Besant's Calcutta Congress Presidential Address, 1917).

(Reference and Source:

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