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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hair Loss - Jason Advices

It is simply a comment on what Jason Cline says:

Dear Jason, your words give a great relief to people losing their
hair. We mostly dwell and live on self-assumed assumptions that are
not compatible with nature and its laws and principles. As most of us
are habitual of living in the conditioned way, our reactions towards
life and lifestyle are similar and we all know what others think of us
when we consider our behavior and also appearance and personality as
you have rightly said. It makes us more psycho (the psyche problem)
and less thinkers as we do not have skill of expressing personal
feelings and opinions that need the communication skill as you have
used, we do not have way to express due to fear of rejection, the
other impact of psychological conditioning that controls the social
behavior and trends. Lot can said and written about it, but all is
hidden in what you have said in a question - "Why do we constantly
fight natural occurances?"

Thanks for sharing your insight.

You may kindly read the full post in the thread at the <a

Enjoying nature as is.

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