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Monday, May 10, 2010

How to Understand Schizophrenic Gifts - Part 1

When we consider the schizophrenic people, we may forget that such
people have hobby (or passion) for which they devote their life and
others cannot give high respect they deserves and thus as of their
deep interest in human knowledge, they can detect the level of respect
that others show and craves for the level of respect they feel they
deserve and thus all their claims and other works are as if appeal for
getting some respect and recognition that they feel (the mood problems
arise when they notice anything artificial or plastic in behavior or
anything present in or among others they deserves as I said.

So, we cannot dishonor their works because of some chemical changes,
which are basically mood management that they use for self-defense and
mostly fail in it. Anyone can have any kind of health problem, and the
mental health problems are included, and it does not mean that one has
not worked, researched and so on. In other words, they simply do not
not know how to represent their knowledge, and thus due to wrong
medium, they suffer at our hand, but I strongly believe that we need
to have great concern about it.


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