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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The richest people are now running the world in science, trade and technology. Do they make all scientists and technologists to work only for them?

It seems that the group of richest people are now running the world in
science, trade and technology. They make all scientists and
technologists to work for them. They are not many, but if anyone
opposes them they work as if a mafia.

The politicians and global market is set by them all possible ways to
benefit them in the best possible.

Most of the global movements that seem philanthropic, religious,
education and thus all that make more earning is just their tools. It
simply keeps public silent.

Thus, no one knows, who is the boss. However, our systems are thus has
gone corrupt. The only solution seems easy and helpful is to trust our
conscience. Thanks!

1. Agree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral

This poll is for awareness that we need to coexist whether we are rich
or poor. It can help in creating healthier environment if we know that
for greater good, we have to support what favors all equally not some
people, who simply want to be rich or always keep getting richer this
way or that. It is thus about social health and health of nature from
which we use all resources. We may agree, disagree or give no opinion.
It depends.

This article can be helpful to keep aware that world now need some
attention to social problems present globally. which are of the common
people: <a href="http://www.britannica.com/bps/additionalcontent/18/34369611/Billions-The-Politics-of-Influence-in-the-United-States-China-and-Israel">Billions:
The Politics of Influence in the United States, China and Israel.</a>

Summary of the above <a


"The article reports on the influence of rich people on politics. It
is noted that in most cases, billionaires have used their control of
media to solidify their influence in politics. Some of these people
who allegedly use their influence to control politics are Thaksin
Shinawatra of Thailand, Sheldon Adelson of the U.S. and oligarchs
Carols Hank Gonz√°lez and Carlos Slim Hel√π. It is asserted that
Adelson was prepared to lose $180 million to elect Netanyahu in
Israel. Adelson is one of the many influential American Jew to have
re-positioned themselves to the right of American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC)."

Thanks for your concern for natural world and us, the humans.

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