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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Should Only Few People Rule the Minds of the World and Nature

We need to consider if only few people with high grade or intelligence
should rule or govern the world in its newly formed New World Order?

The answer is NO. We all have free will and even God or prophets do
not force or influence and interfere when it is a question of free

This choice of free will is the root cause of human evolution.
However, some diseased people, whom medically we consider
schizophrenic are highly philanthropic and humanitarian with great
compassion and concern for world and nature. It may appear that they
can be advanced to high level of intelligence, say using artificial
intelligence in such a way that they lead the world, while they are
also controlled as they cannot execute their free will, but follow
what the think and believe for the greater good of the world and
nature. Thus, they are suffering more than anyone else.

When we discuss about brain power and artificial intelligence, we
consider many things in which the creative intelligence needs serious
attention. As we have discussed the schizophrenic are very
intellectual in a creative way and at the same time very intelligent.
However, they are also very humble and obedient - a discipline that
develops their creative intelligence.

Do you think that such people should be allowed or used to rule or
guide the world. The answer again is NO. The reason is simple the free
will is what makes conscience make a difference in making greater good
for all that everyone can do without lots of guidance as all need to
develop themselves.

So, we cannot make brilliant brains to have high ego as equivalent to
God, prophets, peace messengers and similar level that the
schizophrenic may assume or feel. It also happens when one is under
the influence of drugs, the antidepressant. Should they be continued
for long time, one may become similar to angelic person, but it is not
still the right way. We cannot make robots rule or guide us.

The Yoga and mediation gives us free will used for greater good of
all. The purpose of life is to fulfill needs not greed. If science and
technology advances to make such brain and or mental changes it will
end up in making the genetically modified unreal or artificial veggies
and fruits. We may have humans that are artificial if science advances
too much in this direction.

In my opinion, it should be banned in a very serious manner as we do
not simply need freedom of speech, but also freedom of free will. It
will make this natural world really beautiful again. We all need a
beautiful natural world to live not genetically modified or advanced
with Nano Technology.

I am sure that world community will pay attention to this utmost
import issues that our children are going to face due to brain
experimentation that can program any brain, not yours and mine though.
In any case, it is matter of ethics and value system that we need to
maintain without programing, but training, teaching and counseling as
all prophets, saints, holy and visionary people have always done, is
not it. :)

Thanks for your reading it.

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